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- Microbiology
Microbiology (HOD) |
Dr. Rajiv Mohan Gupta |
List of Senior Doctors working in the Department
S.no |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Dr Priti Aggarwal |
Professor |
2 |
Dr Priyamwada Roy |
Assistant Professor |
4 |
Dr Raunak Bir |
Assistant professor |
5 |
Dr Aparna Pandey |
Senior Resident |
6 |
Dr Pooja Pandey |
Senior Resident |
7 |
Dr Rahul Ranjan |
Senior Resident |
8 |
Dr Kuhu Chatterjee |
Senior Resident |
Services Provided:
The Department functions as a Clinical Microbiology Laboratory with a focus on the clinical and lab diagnosis of infectious diseases and has been upgraded for teaching and research activities. All OPD samples for microbiological investigations are received up to 1:00 p.m. on all working days and emergency samples are accepted 24 hours. Department along with the hospital is ISO certified. It has been participating in EQAS for bacteriology and serology run by IAMM, EQAS VDRL conducted by VMMC and EQAS Mycology program by PGI Chandigarh.
It has been giving training to students pursuing PhD, MSc (Microbiology), BSc (Microbiology), BMLT, DMLT and biotechnology courses.
Department also supervises hospital biomedical waste management and hospital infection control and gives training to hospital staff for this.
Tests Done in the Department of Microbiology
Microbiology Lab has the following sections:
- Bacteriology
- Mycology
- Mycobacteriology
- Parasitology
- Infection Control
- Serology
- Immunology
- Virology
- Molecular Biology
Sub –Bacteriology (for all samples)
- Gram’s Stain of all clinical samples
- Conventional Culture and Sensitivity testing (Aerobic & Anaerobic)
- Automated Culture for blood and body fluids (Aerobic & Anaerobic)
- Automated Identification and Susceptibility testing by ViTek 2
- Albert’s Stain and culture for C. diphtheriae
- Stool Hanging Drop preparation and culture for V. cholerae along with serotyping
- Vaginal Smear (Wet Prep), Gram stain, and endocervical swab culture
- Stool Hanging Drop and Culture for Vibrio cholerae with serotyping
- Stool culture for Salmonella, Shigella, and other pathogens
- Latex Agglutination test for meningitis-causing bacteria
- CSF culture for Meningitis
Sub–Mycology (for all samples)
- KOH Preparation and staining for fungal pathogens
- INDIA INK Preparation
- Fungal Culture
- AFST for yeasts (by disc diffusion and MIC)
Sub –Mycobacteriology (AFB) (All samples)
- Direct smear for AFB (ZN Stain)
- Mycobacterial Culture (Automated and Conventional)
- Culture and susceptibility for Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria
- Slit Smear for Lepra Bacilli
- Others-( HAIN Line probe assay for molecular drug sensitivity for INH and Rifampicin – only for suspected MDR TB cases from sputum samples and positive culture isolates)
- CBNAAT (By Truenat) for M. tuberculosis
Sub – Parasitology
- Stool Routine Microscopy
- Stool PH
- Stool Reducing Sugar
- Stool Occult Blood
- Stool- Modified ZN staining for Cryptosporidium and other parasites
- Malaria antigen detection test
- Peripheral Blood Smear for parasites- Malaria, Microfilaria & others
- Kala azar Antibody detection rapid card test ( IG M/ IG G)
- LD bodies in Bone marrow smears
- QBC for malaria
Sub–Hospital Infection
- Water Culture
- Disinfectant testing
- Biological indicators testing
- Carrier Studies
- Environmental Cultures in case of Outbreaks
Sub – Serology, Immunology, and Virology
- Widal
- Typhidot
- VDRL( from Serum and CSF)/ RPR
- ELISA for Syphillis
- TORCH-Rubella IgG
- TORCH-Rubella IgM
- TORCH-Herpes I IgG
- TORCH-Herpes II IgG
- TORCH-Herpes I IgM
- TORCH-Herpes II IgM
- Dengue IgG/IgM (card test)
- Dengue IgM (Elisa)
- Dengue NS1 Antigen ELISA
- Chikungunya ELISA
- HBs Ag Rapid card test
- Anti HCV Rapid card Test
- HBs Antigen ELISA
- Anti HBS Titres
- Anti HBc Total ELISA
- Anti HBc IgM ELISA
Sub – Immunology
- ANA by IIFA using HEP2 and primate liver cell line
- ds DNA by IIFA using Crithidealucilae
- ASMA (Anti Smooth muscle antibody) , LKM, AMA, using IIFA
- AMA (Anti Mitochondrial antibody) using ELISA
- Anti PR3 ELISA
- ANCA screening using IIFA
- ENA profile for Antinuclear antibodies using LIA
- ENA profile for Anticytoplasmic antibodies using LIA
- ENA profile for Vasculitis using LIA
- ENA profile for autoimmune liver diseases using LIA
- ENA profile for Myositis using LIA
- RA
- Total IgE
- Virology
- HIV I and II Rapid Test
- Western Blot LIA
- Molecular Biology
- RTPCR (Truenat based) for SARS CoV2
- rRTPCR (open system) soon to begin
Last updated / Reviewed : 2023-05-24