ESIC Hospital, Faridabad
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Facilities Available

The Department of Biochemistry receives approximately 500-600patient samples for approximately 3000 blood tests daily.

The department has fully automated and state-of-the-art equipment for handling the workload of the lab. The laboratory provides a test menu of approximately 100 plus tests including diabetic profile, liver function tests, renal function tests, electrolytes, lipid profile, cardiac enzymes, serum protein electrophoresis, thyroid function test, fertility profile, tumor markers, immunology and antibodies, iron studies, hormone profile, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, tests for critical care- Pro-BNP, Procalcitonin, Plasma Lactate, D- Dimer, Cystatin C, ACE, Complements, Interleukin-6, Quantitative CRP, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring,  fluid analysis, quantitative estimation of protein, albumin, creatinine and other metabolites in the urine sample.

The department functions on a 24x7 basis from the fourth floor of OPD Block. The department is also equipped for supporting research activities of Postgraduate students and faculty members. The department runs training programs for the technical staff on regular basis covering subjects like Biomedical waste management, HIV, Hospital-acquired infections, good lab practices, quality control, development of new tests, and management of good public relations.


List of Senior Doctors working in the Department




Dr. Gini Garima

Associate Professor,HOD


Dr.suman balasharma



Dr seemapatel

Assistant Professor










     Faculty Name

 Academic Attainment



Dr. Gini Garima

A. Appointed as Reviewer by Indian Journal of Medical Biochemistry.

B. Contributed as a Member of National Advisory Board for “Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students (10th Ed.) by D.M. Vasudevan







Prof Dr. S.B.  Sharma


B. President of Indian Society of Atherosclerosis Research (ISAR-DC-2022) (Picture 3.3A)

 C. Reviewer for (Research Project)- Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi Indian Journal of Medical Research, New Delhi, Current Pharmaceutical design, Spain, Medical Principals and Practice, Kuwait, Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, India, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, India






Dr. Seema Patel

Awarded second prize in oral paper presentation at ACCLMPCON Kolkata held on 7th and 8th January 2023 titled “Association of Thyroid hormones with uric acid in patients attending a Tertiary care Hospital Northern India.”


Last updated / Reviewed : 2023-05-23



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